Lara Wentworth Lawyer Coach

Hi, I’m Lara Wentworth

I’m a former practicing lawyer with almost 20 years experience. I practiced mostly in the areas of personal injury, family law and estate planning. Towards the end of 2018, I decided that my career was moving in a different trajectory, and I felt called to give back to the profession and so started a coaching and training business focused on members of the legal profession. I am a certified Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and an Internationally Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

more about lara…


When I was a young lawyer I came to accept that stress, anxiety and burnout are very much part of the job of being a lawyer and that I had to find a way to survive in this profession.

What I didn’t realise was that living in such a state was not sustainable and eventually I hit rock bottom with ill mental health many years ago now.

I’m grateful for this experience because it was as a result of those moments of pain that I discovered so much about myself which led me to where I am today.

I eventually realised that life as a lawyer can easily consume your identity and become all that there is. Knowing something had to change, I decided to focus on wellness, mindset, resilience and being in control of my own mind and therefore my results.

To do this, I studied NLP as I was fascinated by how people – including myself – are run by programs that we and the world have unconsciously installed.

As I began to share my experiences with other lawyers and people, it became clear to me that as a profession, law is occupied by many practitioners, who are not happy, not fulfilled and are not realising their true potential. When we are mentally and emotionally aware and in control we can perform at our best and be happier and healthier lawyers!

So, I decided that my purpose was not only to be a conscious lawyer but to also help other lawyers gain insight and better manage their lives and careers so they can practice with integrity and find the fulfilment that they deserve!

I have survived perfectionism, overworking, the imposter syndrome, crippling anxiety and depression and I'm here to tell you there is another way to be successful and high performing and dare I say, happy!

I have been able to transfer many of the skills that I have developed in my legal career and have taken the learnings from there to assist many lawyers through my coaching and training practice which has been very rewarding.

I work with junior lawyers to help them navigate the early stages of their careers building resourceful habits, confidence, and mindsets and I also work with senior partners who are seeking clarity, confidence, and motivation, to enhance their leadership skills and overcome barriers that years of legal experience have either created or have not helped to shift.

I also work with small law firm owners to help them overcome the overwhelm and stress of sole practice, find clarity and direction and build a sustainable business plan that is aligned with their vision and values.

I am very passionate about lawyer well-being and believe that balancing our legal technical skills with our human life skills enhances our well-being and improves our performance.

I invite you to contact me for a chat and let me help you take your performance to the next level, whatever stage of your career or business you may be at.

There are plenty of people these days who call themselves coaches, however not all are professionally trained or certified in the psychology or science of coaching. Lara is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC), as awarded by the International Coaching Federation Credentials and Standards.